Would You Feel More Confident if You Lost Weight? — Tara Whitney

Tara’s latest book- Truly Seen: Stop Striving to Be Thin and Perfect and Set Yourself Free is available for purchase!

Would You Feel More Confident if You Lost Weight?

Let’s talk about the trap most people are in around how they feel about their bodies and their confidence. 

This is one of those questions that I’m not sure why I bother asking. I know the answer. It would be like asking; do you prefer the sunshine over cloudy days?, or do you like puppies?. 

Yes. Sure. Definitely. Of course. 

Despite how prevalent this belief is, the typical approach to weight loss is NOT making people more confident. Just the opposite. 

Let’s consider Jane, an amalgamation of the majority of my clients. Jane has been dieting since she was 14. She’s been successful at losing weight temporarily, but inevitably the weight she lost just comes back and then some. She’s tried everything; Weight Watchers, Noom, intermittent fasting and juice cleanses. 

Jane often fantasizes about the days when she felt like she was on top of the world because she fit into smaller jeans. She shares with me how hopeless she feels and how disgusted she is with her body. Jane’s exhausted, but she just wants to feel better about herself. Even though she’s coming to the understanding that diets aren’t the solution, she can’t imagine feeling confident in her current body size.  

Diet companies relentlessly market their products and claim that they work. But what they fail to tell us is that even though diets may help people lose weight in the short term, 90% of diets result in weight gain in the long term. This convinces people that they haven’t found the right diet yet and they should keep looking. Diet companies also depict active and happy people after they’ve lost weight, reaffirming the belief that our confidence does come packaged in a smaller body. 

Most people first go on a diet because they’ve been told their (larger) body is wrong or bad. When Jane was 14, losing weight meant that she could look like her friends and feel accepted. Her parents praised her when she was thin. But now, Jane doesn’t know what it’s like to NOT diet. She’s always held the belief that her body is wrong. 

How do we build confidence in ourselves when we believe our body is too big, wrong, fat or bad and needs to be fixed? 

While Jane diets, she often ignores or neglects the signals her body shares with her. She’ll not eat when she’s uncomfortably hungry. She’ll choose to eat the ‘right’ foods even though they don’t leave her feeling satisfied. She often ignores her body’s exhaustion and will try to power through her work day with coffee and energy snacks. When she does eat foods she’s not supposed to eat, she feels so guilty and ashamed. 

Dieting disconnects people from their bodies. Worse yet, when people aren’t following their food plan, they feel like a failure. 

The strategy most people are using to feel better about themselves is in fact, the problem. Pursuing weight loss erodes people’s confidence. 

True confidence is something we feel in our bodies. 

How can we feel more confident if we are disconnected from this feeling? 

The truth is that no matter what, your body isn’t broken and doesn’t need fixing. This may take lot’s of unlearning. Body satisfaction can take time. Instead of dieting, choose to respect and care for your body.

If you’d like coaching around body satisfaction and feeling comfortable in your own skin, schedule a clarity call with me.