What To Do When Your in the Eye of the COVD-19 Storm

I’m feeling it. Are you feeling it?

I’d like to offer some insight amidst this COVD-19 storm, which is a bit more than to wash your hands and to cover your mouth when you cough. I also shared this in a video and you can watch it here.

Notice the storm.

We’re in the eye of a storm. Our homes may feel peaceful, yet on the outside there's turbulence. Airports are freakishly quiet. Our social feeds are blowing up with opinions, updates and statistics. Events are getting cancelled. Our college kids are coming home unexpectedly to take their classes on-line. Our stock markets are taking a massive dive.

I find it helpful to see the turbulence for what it is and then name it. It’s outside of us. And, yes! It’s a bit crazy!

Notice your reaction to the storm.

We are all responding to the storm differently. You may be worried, distracted, agitated, despondent, impatient, ambivalent, unmotivated, or frustrated.

How you feel may change from moment to moment, hour to hour, and day to day. And that’s okay.

I spoke to a college student yesterday about COVD-19 and she said “no one knows what’s going on”.

When life becomes uncertain, it’s common to become fearful. Fear isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Let’s not give it a 100% bad wrap. Fear is just a way of protecting ourselves. When we’re fearful, our body kicks into a fight, flight or freeze response. This is why toilet paper is flying off the shelves in our grocery stores.

I’m noticing how my body feels while in fight, flight and freeze and it doesn’t feel great. I’m giving myself the space and grace to be with how I feel because I know that behind every reaction is a feeling.

I love the freedom of noticing my reaction without requiring my reaction to change (ha, this isn't always pretty!).

Choose how you would like to act within the storm.

How we act is our choice. And even though we may feel like many decisions are being made outside of our own influence, we still get to choose how we act.

I’m taking more time on my meditation cushion, yoga mat and in my running shoes. Any time we can soothe our bodies, we’re going to feel better emotionally.

I invite you to up your game around taking care of yourself and your body. Notice what the right amount of information is right for you to receive.

It’s a great time to ask your body what it needs to feel better and be proactive instead of reactive.

I’m with you.

As we consider this storm we’re in, if we feel peaceful and calm on the inside, does it really matter what’s happening on the outside? ;)