Emotional Eating and COVID-19 — Tara Whitney

Tara’s latest book- Truly Seen: Stop Striving to Be Thin and Perfect and Set Yourself Free is available for purchase!

Emotional Eating and COVID-19

Life with COVID-19 is pretty crazy right now.

Have you noticed that your emotions are also pretty intense and volatile?

In no particular order, you may feel:

  • Annoyed. Enough already. How much longer do we need to deal with this?

  • Worried. What’s going to happen to our economy, our jobs, our health, and our sanity?

  • Crazy. Am I the only one not worried about this?

  • More Crazy. Why am I worried and those around me aren’t?

  • Sad. I’m missing out, those around me are missing out. Life isn’t supposed to work this way.

  • Angry. I don’t like not having control over things that are important to me.

  • Anxious. I’m worried for the future.

  • Relieved. Yes! I get to slow down, catch up on sleep and relax. A forced slow down sounds good to me right now.

  • Grateful. My family and friends are safe. I may not be able to get TP at the grocery store, but they have plenty of fresh fruit and veggies. At least I have power in our home and an internet connection.

  • Frustrated. I can’t seem to focus or settle down.

  • Eager. I’m ready for life to return to normal.

How about all of the above?

I acknowledge you. If this is what you’re experiencing, I understand. I feel it, too. You’re not alone.

You may feel so much that you may turn to food to feel better.

Here’s the thing.

Food can comfort. Food can distract. Food can soothe. Food can make you feel safe.

When your body feels like it’s on overload, food can make you physically feel better.

Food can be all of those things. But it doesn’t have to be.

There are other ways to support and comfort yourself during these unprecedented times.

Now is the time for more self compassion and kindness toward yourself. Let yourself just be with all that you feel.