food freedom

Episode #77: A Guide to Trusting Your Body with Tara Whitney

For many folks, the idea of trusting their body feels foreign. We’ve been taught to prioritize external rules and dismiss information our body shares with us. We haven’t been taught how to celebrate or even honor the wisdom of our bodies. 

Yet, the lack of trust we have in our bodies is what makes us feel so out of control around food, emotionally eat, binge, and feel so dissatisfied with our bodies. 

I’ve designed my Trust Your Body Framework as a tool for folks that want to take steps toward feeling free and peaceful around food, accept their bodies and feel emotionally empowered. 

On the podcast, I share the components of the Trust Your Body Framework and how it may support you on your own journey. 

Episode #67: Why Food Freedom Is a Journey and Not a Destination

While dieting, we focused on accomplishing a weight loss goal. We’d have that “goal weight” in our minds and sacrifice what we could to get there in the shortest time possible. How we approached food and nourishing our bodies was always short-term and often a quick fix. 

As you intentionally leave behind dieting and the physical and emotional rollercoaster that comes with it, approaching food freedom may be challenging at first.

This is why understanding the journey of food freedom is so important. By changing your mind and how you approach food freedom, you can navigate the journey with much more ease and grace. 

On the podcast, Tara shares 10 new mindset shifts to consider on your food freedom journey. 

By the way, how are you liking Tara’s solocast format? If you have a topic or question you’d like for Tara to address on a future episode, please email her at 

Episode #60 Why You Feel Powerless Over Food (and what to do about it)

Episode #60 Why You Feel Powerless Over Food (and what to do about it)

In this episode, Tara explores three of the reasons why certain foods seem to have power over you. And more importantly, what you can do to claim your power back so you can feel confident and peaceful around all foods all of the time.