non-diet approach

Episode #100: Intuitive Eating and Cancer Care and Recovery with Tamar Rothenberg

Tamar Rothenberg, MS, RDN, a registered dietitian who specializes in recovery after breast cancer offers her clients non-diet and weight neutral option support.

On the podcast, Tamar shares how important it is to debunk faulty information that we receive from wellness culture on juice cleanses, clean eating and supplements. She clarifies that we can’t prevent cancer, we can only reduce the risk of cancer occurrence. She reminds us that getting cancer isn’t anyone’s fault and that no one did anything wrong if they have the experience of cancer.

We also talked about how beneficial the practice of intuitive eating is with cancer care and recovery because it’s about self-care, not self-control. 


Learn more about Tamar here.

Connect with Tamar socially:​​

Private Facebook group for thrivers

Check out Tamar's new book: Cancer Diet for the Newly Diagnosed

Looking for one-on-one coaching support  around intuitive eating, body image and emotional eating? 


Schedule a clarity call with me where you can share what your goals and intentions are, I’ll offer you some insight around what’s going on and if we feel like we’re a good match, I can share more information on how we can move forward. 

Here is my calendar link

Episode #91: Celebrating No-Diet Day with Anne Poirier and Kathryn Best

No-Diet Day was started 30 years ago by Mary Evans Young to promote body acceptance and size diversity. 


This is a day to increase the awareness of the harms of dieting and also invite people who have been dieting for most of their life to experiment with giving themselves a break from needing to follow food rules, weigh themselves and feel the pressure of needing to lose weight. 


Dieting does not offer long-term weight loss but instead robs people of mental and physical health. 


On the podcast, I had a panel conversation with Anne Poirier, Eating Disorder Specialist, and Kathryn Best, LCSW about why a non-diet lifestyle is so important, how diet culture impacts people’s relationship with food, and the cost of dieting. 


Learn more here


You can connect with Anne Poirier here-


and on Instagram


You can connect with Kathryn Best here-

And on Instagram-


Listen Here. 

Episode #60 Why You Feel Powerless Over Food (and what to do about it)

Episode #60 Why You Feel Powerless Over Food (and what to do about it)

In this episode, Tara explores three of the reasons why certain foods seem to have power over you. And more importantly, what you can do to claim your power back so you can feel confident and peaceful around all foods all of the time.