eating disorder recovery

Episode #116: Improving Health Without Focusing on the Scale With Adrien Paczosa

Adrien Paczosa believes that dietetic care with a health at every size approach should be accessible and affordable nationwide. Thanks to her vision, she founded Nourish, a virtual-first nutrition group with affordable access to nutrition care.  

On the podcast, we talked about how focusing on body weight only creates harmful weight cycling, how every diet and diet book should have a warning that weight cycling is harmful to your health, and why everyone should be offered the option to define health for themselves because it’s a personal definition. We also talked about incorporating other ways of improving health into daily habits, without the focus on weight loss. 

Learn more about Nourish here.

Connect with Nourish and Adrien on Social


Episode #105: Advice for Parents of Teens with Eating Disorders with Kayla Douthitt

Kayla Douthitt, anti-diet advocate,  is passionate about offering parents of teens with eating disorders more support and education.

On the podcast, she shares the signs for parents to look for if they are concerned that their child may have an eating disorder, like excessive exercise, weighing themselves regularly, trying to monitor food intake and comparing themselves to their peers. 

Kayla also shares how parents may also be struggling in their relationship with food and their body image, how important mindset is to overcome perfectionism, and advice on what to do with cell phones and social media. 

You can connect with Kayla here. 

Also @WisdomNWellness on Facebook and @wisdomnwellnessky on Instagram

Episode #97: Debunking “Love Yourself Thin” and Other Messages

There was a point in time, before I discovered Intuitive Eating, when I believed that my rocky childhood and poor self-image were the reasons I couldn’t keep food under control and stop eating emotionally. Sadly, a decade or so later, I’m hearing the same messages from diet culture that tell people they need to do the inner work if they want to lose weight. For example, when deciding on the title of this podcast, I found an article called “How to Overcome 5 Psychological Blocks to Weight Loss”. It’s easy to believe this advice when the authors are highly educated and the article is stamped “medically reviewed”. 

And guess what? In some ways, this message isn’t completely wrong. The work I do with my clients is all about challenging old beliefs and shifting mind-set. But where this advice goes wrong, and destructively so, is telling us that how we feel about ourselves and how we’ve been surviving is getting in the way of us achieving a body size they feel is appropriate. It’s incredibly deceitful and very tricky to piece apart. 

Which is why I wanted to highlight what these articles aren’t saying. I want you to be aware of the subtle assumptions that are probably making you blame yourself for diet failures and wondering what’s wrong with you. And I want to remind you of the truth; diets won’t deliver on long term weight loss and you don’t need to wait to lose weight to treat your body with great respect.