intuitive eating

Episode #116: Improving Health Without Focusing on the Scale With Adrien Paczosa

Adrien Paczosa believes that dietetic care with a health at every size approach should be accessible and affordable nationwide. Thanks to her vision, she founded Nourish, a virtual-first nutrition group with affordable access to nutrition care.  

On the podcast, we talked about how focusing on body weight only creates harmful weight cycling, how every diet and diet book should have a warning that weight cycling is harmful to your health, and why everyone should be offered the option to define health for themselves because it’s a personal definition. We also talked about incorporating other ways of improving health into daily habits, without the focus on weight loss. 

Learn more about Nourish here.

Connect with Nourish and Adrien on Social


Episode #109: 5 Things To Keep In Mind When You Start Intuitive Eating

You may have hit diet rockbottom and refuse to go on another diet again. Or, you’re just frustrated with your relationship with food and you’re ready for something different and new. Or, you stumbled upon intuitive eating and are curious. 

In this episode, Tara shares six things (she added one at the end) to keep in mind while you’re starting your intuitive eating practice. They include some of the challenges you may encounter when you reject the diet mentality, learn about diet culture, practice tuning into your body, want to know if you’re doing it right and feel alone because so many people around you are still dieting. 

This journey is worth it and my hope this episode will leave you feeling better equipped to take these steps in a new direction. 

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Episode #104: Is It Time To Give Up Drinking?

Something happens when you start your intuitive eating journey. You start to wake up to the signals your body shares with you. Some of those signals are lovely, like the sun on your skin and when your belly hurts because you’ve been laughing so hard. And some are not so lovely, like when you’re tired and have a headache after drinking a couple of glasses of wine the night before. 

We can’t filter out the signals we don’t prefer and just notice the ones we do prefer. Which is why you may be noticing how alcohol may not feel good to you.

On the podcast, Tara shares her own story being alcohol free for the past three years and how she came to that decision. She also shares the common thread between dieting and drinking, which are both a form of deprivation. Tara offers a few suggestions if you’d like to take the next step to examining your relationship with alcohol. 

Looking for one-on-one coaching support  around intuitive eating, body image and emotional eating? 

Schedule a clarity call with me where you can share what your goals and intentions are, I’ll offer you some insight around what’s going on and if we feel like we’re a good match, I can share more information on how we can move forward. 

Here is my calendar link.