Episode 56: Moving from Struggle to Loving Awareness in Your Relationship with Food with Eric Klein

Eric Klein, leadership coach, meditation teacher, ordained Kriya yoga priest, and co-founder of Wisdom Heart, witnessed struggles with food at a young age when we watched his beloved aunt diet on Weight Watchers. She always described her days as either “good” or “bad” based on what she had eaten or not eaten that day. 

On the podcast, Eric and I talked about why we often neglect our inner guidance around food and how to create more freedom by being fully present to our unique experience. Meditation and mindfulness are ways we can be in our bodies without judgment. 

We also talked about how important it is to: 

  • Recognize the wholeness that already exists within us and acknowledge the unmet needs that we are seeking to fill. 

  • Redefining discipline as being a disciple to our inner wisdom, which requires courage and commitment. 

  • Notice how our conflicts and old patterns are often an opportunity to take our awareness practices deeper with greater compassion. 

Learn more about Eric at https://www.wisdomheart.com/ and take the 7 Days of Clarity course that will help you still the mind, awaken the heart, and live with wisdom.