Episode 57: Why Setting Boundaries is So Important in Your Business and Your Relationship with Food with Ellie Lane

On the podcast, Ellie Lane, Life Coach and Clinical Social Worker, and I talked about our patterns that keep us stuck in certain areas of our life and what are the fears that keep them in place. Ellie shares the powerful practice of taking tiny steps and showing your brain that it can win at change. 

We talked about how the “shoulds” in life keep us in black or white thinking. For example, if someone believes they shouldn’t be eating sugar, they will either be staying 100% away from sugar or be eating more sugar than what feels good. The “shoulds” create an on and off switch. 

Establishing boundaries is so important to letting go of the “shoulds”, allowing our true expression to emerge and to align to our personal values. 

You’re going to love this conversation! 

Learn more about Ellie Lane here.