Episode 10: Why You're Eating Emotionally and What to Do About It- Part 2

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Have you been thinking you’re eating emotionally because you’re feeling too much? Or because you're too sensitive?

You’re not eating because of what you feel. You’re eating to not feel. Food has been a way to distract you from feeling uncomfortable and processing unwanted emotions. 

“Am I willing to feel fully? “ invites you to be in your body to fully feel your emotions. 

Tara also offers a simple practice of being in your body that will guide you to notice physical sensations .

Episode 9: Why You're Eating Emotionally and What to Do About It - Part 1

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Emotional eating can leave us confused and frustrated. But it doesn’t need to.

A multi-part series that offers a reasons, a questions to ask yourself and a practices so you can put yourself back in the driver’s seat around emotional eating.

Why do you eat emotionally? 

Food is filling an unmet need. Food likely doesn’t make you feel better in the long run, but eating emotionally is an effective, reliable and often quick way to feel better fast. 

Listen in to understand how this dynamic may have become habitual, especially if you started eating emotionally at a young age. Ask yourself one simple question that will expand your thinking around how to care for yourself. Try one practice that will undoubtedly support your needs (no matter what), so eating emotionally isn’t your only option.  


Episode 8: A Fresh Approach to Emotional Eating You Need to Hear

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There is a common narrative around eating emotionally. It’s bad and it needs to be stopped. The common solution around eating emotionally is to avoid trigger foods, be more disciplined and focus on healthy habits. 

What’s common isn’t what helps or works. In fact, this common narrative ultimately hurts. 

The person that’s eating emotionally feels guilt and shame because they believe they’ve done something wrong. 

They focus all of their time and attention on food, which never allows them to understand what’s really happening with them emotionally. By distracting themselves with a stricter diet, they continue the cycle and make this pattern all about food. 

If you've been eating emotionally, you know the end result.  You feel worse, fight yourself, fight food and emotional eating doesn’t go away. 

Let’s throw this whole common narrative out the window. Tara shares a view on emotional eating that, quite honestly, just makes freakin’ sense. It’s refreshing, light and will leave you with new possibility around finding freedom around food.