Episode #69: Accepting Your Whole Self with Anne Beverly Chow

Anne Beverly Chow, Therapist, and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, tells her clients over and over that everyone is worthy of love, belonging and connection. She shares her own journey from going to Weight Watchers at the age of 9 to the awe and appreciation she now experiences when she’s listening to the signals her body shares with her. 

On the podcast, we talked about 

~ the history of dieting and how diet companies market to people’s fears and insecurities, 

~ how important it is to accept your whole self and welcome the parts of you that you want to run from, and 

~ how to examine your weight loss motivation by asking yourself the question “what if I lost weight and the rest of the world never saw my thinner body, would I still want to lose weight?”. 

One of the poem’s Anne read was: 

Friend, This is The Only Way by Sachal Sarmast 

Friend, this is the only way to learn the secret way:

Ignore the paths of others, even the saints' steep trails.

Don't follow.

Don't journey at all.

Rip the veil from your face..

Anne also recommended reading 

Starfish by Lisa Fipps