Episode 34: Stacey Shipman on Compulsive Exercise, Leading Authentically, and Owning your Legacy

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Receiving one negative comment about the size of her thighs in college set her on years of obsessive exercising and strict eating habits. She thought this was keeping her safe from being judged by others. But really, it was just armour that kept her from knowing herself and being in her body. Stacey’s transformational was inspiring. She left her corporate position to start her own company. Something shifted inside of her. She didn’t want to be known as the person who always exercises. She knew she had so much more to offer the world. 

Stacey is a podcast host, facilitator and creator of an unconventional public speaking and leadership development studio called Engage the Room. She coaches people to move from their head to their heart, and sometimes from their heart to their head. 

