Episode 37: 3 Practices that’s Created Real Change around Food and her Body on her Terms with Jessica Vazquez

Jessica Vazquez, international coach, lecturer and author, was recognized on two occasions as one of the “100 Most Powerful Business Women in Mexico”, yet Jessica has never felt more powerful than she has over this past year.

Jessica was sick of feeling tired and tired of feeling sick and made the choice to make real change on her terms. She had battled with compulsive eating and depression, but knew that this time was different. She used three key tools she had learned and practiced in her coaching business and started with the question “what do I really want for my body?”. 

Listen to Jessica’s inspiring story and words of wisdom. 

Jessica is leading a group of Brave Spirits to create a new identity around money and business, connect with her at www.jessicavazquez.com. Jessica specializes working with highly sensitives, introverts and empaths. 

Follow her on Instagram at @jessicavazquez77 and Linked In  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jvazquez77/


Episode 36: Embracing your Inner Rebel with Susanne Navas

Susanne Navas, the Reboot Coach, wasn’t motivated by following rules and fulfilling the expectations of others. She shares how her rebellious side was once a problem in her eyes. 

Now she knows her old patterns were just a byproduct of adapting to tenuous times. Rebelling was about survival. When Susanne learned how to embrace these patterns, she experienced an even bigger transformation, including stopping drinking alcohol five years ago. 

Listen in as Susanne shares her perspective on uncertainty, why you don’t need to hit rock bottom to make change, and how glorious it is to find freedom in our minds so we can focus on what really matters.   

Learn more about Susanne and individual, group and corporate coaching she offers at www.TheRebootCoach.net

Facebook: The Reboot Coach 

Twitter: @smilepace 

Instagram: @mindfulpreneur

Episode 35: Why COVID May Be Causing You to Eat Emotionally

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If you’ve been turning to food for emotional soothing during these past 7 months, this conversation is going to help you understand why. 

Living during a pandemic has most of us in a state of shock, worry and uncertainty, which impacts us physically, mentally and emotionally. 

Our body is feeling it. Our mind is overwhelmed. And our emotions are all over the place. 

Listen in as Tara shares why this is a time to treat yourself with compassion, rather than feeling guilty about using food to soothe your emotions.