body trust

Episode #111: Reclaiming Body Trust with Dana Sturtevant and Hilary Kenavey

On the podcast, Tara speaks with the founders of the Center for Body Trust, Dana Sturtevant and Hilary Kenavey. They co-authored “Reclaiming Body Trust: A Path To Healing and Liberation”, which was recently published. 

Hillary and Dana describe diet culture as a shapeshifter that’s incredibly deceptive. They also share how destructive it is because it speaks to people’s hearts and tender spots. This is why some people are more susceptible to the order and control around food that diet culture offers.  Hillary shares why it’s so heartbreaking that people aren’t offered consent to opt into diet culture, instead they are just immersed in it. 

We also talked about what trust looks like and feels like. Dana asks “ Who are you placing your trust in?” when it comes to food, your health and your body. She shares the analogy of seeing your journey of body trust as a tree, and being able to move from old poisonous soil to nourishing soil. 

Hilary offers a powerful distinction around transformation, which often comes from being able to reclaim our personal narrative around food and body image and being able to understand all the pieces of it including the impact of diet culture. 

Connect with Dana and Hillary here: 

FACEBOOK: @CenterForBodyTrust  

INSTAGRAM: @Center4BodyTrust  

Order your copy of Reclaiming Body Trust here. 

Stay connected with Tara and Join her weekly newsletter here.

Episode #98: Men’s Body Image and Intuitive Eating with Aaron Flores

Aaron Flores is a registered dietician nutritionist, Certified Body Trust® provider, and his main areas of focus are Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size®.

On the podcast, Aaron shares his perspective on men’s body image and their unique and often not-so-unique challenges around healing from diet culture and practicing intuitive eating.

Aaron shares what toxic masculinity looks like, how often men suffer in silence with their eating disorder because they believe they don’t deserve help.

He also shares how self-compassion can often be interpreted as giving up and the challenges men have with connecting to their bodies. 

Learn more about Aaron here.

Aaron was recently a guest on Dan Harris' 10% Happier Podcast.

Episode 441: What Men Don't Talk About

Connect with Aaron on Instagram.

Listen to Dietician's Unplugged Podcast

Looking for one-on-one coaching support  around intuitive eating, body image and emotional eating? 

Schedule a clarity call with me where you can share what your goals and intentions are, I’ll offer you some insight around what’s going on and if we feel like we’re a good match, I can share more information on how we can move forward. 

Here is my calendar link- Here is the link to my calendar.