Episode #73: Expanding the Intuitive Eating Community with More Access and Healing with Jenna Hollenstein

Jenna Hollenstein, nutrition therapist and meditation teacher, knows how life-transforming the practices of intuitive eating are. She shares her unique approach from a meditation and Buddhist lens in her book “Eat to Love: A Mindful Guide to Transforming Your Relationship with Food, Body, and Life.” 

On the podcast, Jenna and I talked about how important it is to expand the intuitive eating community by expanding communication, access and additional ways of healing. Jenna talked about how important it is to get folks in the same room to share openly so they can hear they are not alone. Jenna also shared the opportunity men have with intuitive eating, which is a practice of being with emotions. 

Check out Jenna’s latest book Mommysattva. 

Connect with Jenna here: 


