impostor feelings — Blog Articles — Tara Whitney

Tara’s latest book- Truly Seen: Stop Striving to Be Thin and Perfect and Set Yourself Free is available for purchase!

impostor feelings

What Drives You to Work so Hard?

Maybe you never asked yourself the question because working hard is just who you are. 

I get that. You’ve likely achieved a successful career for yourself because of your hard work. 

Yet, many people aren’t driven to work hard because they just hold high standards for themselves. 

They are often driven to work hard out of fear that someone will find out that they are not as smart or talented as they think they are. 

Because of that, working hard is a coping mechanism. Do you need… 

  • your work to be perfect? 

  • to be seen as the expert, the one with all the answers? 

  • to do all the work yourself because others won’t do it your way? 

I don’t need to tell you how trying to reach an unachievable standard is unsustainable. But worse, it won’t help you reach your next-level success. 

If you’re looking for support and coaching to help you let go of these patterns so you can create a new sustainable path for success and sanity, let's chat. I offer one-on-one coaching in 3 and 6 month packages.