Hide and Seek is one of my own childhood games that my kids still play. I would love to find the best possible hiding spot and stay there as quietly as I could. I’ve been noticing that I still play Hide and Seek. But for me, it’s less like a childhood game and more like a safe routine that I’ve chosen for myself. I didn’t realize I was even playing. This blog site showed me where I’ve been hiding. I’ve been hiding behind my busy schedule, telling myself that I don’t have time to write and post on this blog. Sneaky, isn’t it? Hiding is just an outlet of fear. It makes sense. We protect ourselves when we are scared. Hiding is a way to protect our selves. But whom are we hiding from? What are we protecting ourselves from? Who is the monster that we created in our mind?
I created a monster in my mind and that monster is my fear of what people may think of me. I can see this monster as something that is not truly a part of me. It’s just something my ego created to protect itself. With this awareness, I can choose to stop hiding. I can stand up and get out of my hiding spot.
Boy, I still love a game of Hide and Seek. But now, I see that the real fun is playing the role of the seeker. The seeker of my truth.