Episode 29: Kelly Diels on Rejecting Perfectionism, Stopping Dieting and Taking Down Diet Culture

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Be prepared for some jaw dropping truths in this episode, my friend.

Kelly and Tara go wide and deep as they explore what perfectionism really is and why it plagues women to exhaustion.

They explore why labels like imposter complex and eating disorders are cultural injuries that leave women blaming themselves and wondering if there is something wrong with themselves instead of identifying what’s really happening: women have brilliantly created ways to survive in a system that was not designed for their success. 

Kelly Diels is feminist educator, writer, and coach and specializes in feminist marketing for culture-makers. 


Instagram: @kelly.diels 

Facebook:  kellydielswriter

Put yourself on the waiting list for Kelly’s one year mastermind FLORA, the Feminist Marketing School for Female Entrepreneurs


Episode 25- Liberating Yourself Around Food, Your Body, Business, and Sexuality with Shohreh Davoodi

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What does it take to be liberated around food and your body? 

Shohreh Davoodi has been on this path and shares her own evolution with food as once a clean eater, hell-bent on having 6 pack abs to now understanding that her relationship with her body is one of the most important relationships she will ever have. Shohreh left her career as an attorney to take on a radicalized approach to food and body acceptance, and she has never looked back. She shares how she gave herself the grace to tune into herself deeply and be willing to fully embrace her bisexuality and neurodiversity. 

Shohreh Davoodi is a weight inclusive health and wellness coach that helps her clients cultivate the courage to give diet culture the middle finger. 


Take a listen to Shohreh’s Redefining Health & Wellness podcast

Wondering if Intuitive Eating is right for you? 

Episode 23- Being in Your Body

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You likely haven’t been taught how to connect and listen to your body.

When it comes to your relationship with food, you may notice there is a fight going on, between what your head thinks and wants you to eat and what your body is asking for.

In this episode, Tara shares how to connect with your body, tools you can use to hear it’s messages and why being in your body will undoubtedly shift your relationship with food.