Episode #71: More Than Your Weight with Brianna Wilkerson

Brianna Wilkerson, Holistic Health Coach shares her story around how she’s moved away from emotional eating and eating disordered behavior by understanding that her worth is more than her weight. 

Brianna shares how she now understands how she was designing her life around receiving external validation around her weight, success and bank account. Brianna know that when she tries to pursue weight loss, it only leaves her exhausted and unfulfilled. 

On the podcast, we also talked about how important it is to offer ourselves nourishment in other areas of our lives and how what we may really need is connection. 

I had a great conversation with Brianna on her podcast More Than Your Weight - Episode 102: How to Trust Your Body and Free Your Mind around Food. You can listen to it here. 

** On this episode, Brianna and I talked about a diet called Whole 30. On the Whole 30 diet, certain foods are considered “good” foods and better than other foods. In Intuitive Eating, we unlearn the diet mentality and practice eating for satisfaction and our health. For most people, following Whole 30 is not an intuitive eating practice. 

Learn more about Brianna here. 

Brianna is also hosting Your Healthiest Years Yet Summit, a 5-day free summit for women over 40 starting October 18th. I’m presenting How Over-Giving is Impacting Your Relationship with Food and Your Health!  Learn more and sign up here. 
