What one-to-one Clients are Saying….
“Tara’s work is so powerful and yet so practical I feel I have grown so much in our time working together. Her thoughts and advice goes so much deeper than what and how much was on my plate. I feel like I’ve learned what’s behind that and it’s changed me profoundly. Tara has help me understand the connection between past trauma and eating. She has helped me process my pain and heal what’s inside which is help me understand my eating behaviors. If you really want to get to the bottom of what’s behind disordered eating and food behaviors, Tara is amazing!! She is kind and caring, and incredibly skilled at her work. I also appreciate that in between sessions she provides so many resources for me to continue thinking about my work with her. If you’re looking for peace and understanding in your life, I would reach out to Tara, she has changed my life and given me a new sense of peace and freedom from eating.”
“After years of diets and strenuous exercise programs in an attempt to be thinner and healthier, I instead became physically and emotionally exhausted, unforgiving and self-judgmental.
In working with Tara, I began to learn that I was disconnected from my body, not listening or understanding what it was trying to tell me; whether I was hungry, tired, or in need of a hug.
Tara has armed me with tools to respond to my body’s cues and I am already feeling a sense of relief and freedom from past self-imposed and societal restrictions. Tara gives you her total attention with compassion and elements of healing.
“Working with Tara has been life-changing.
I came to learn of her work after sitting together on a book publishing panel. I was drawn to her calm, gentle, open and honest nature, and intrigued enough that I wanted to know more about her work.
Like most women I know, I’ve had an on-going love-hate relationship with food, my weight and my body. I’ve studied, read, worked with nutritionists and followed programs for years, but Tara’s approach offered a totally new and enlightening perspective.
After only one session, I finally understood the faulty programming that has been running in my head since my early adolescent years. I’ve approached food through the lens of health and wellness, but working with Tara allowed me to see that it was actually a dieting and deprivation mindset in disguise.
This new “food freedom journey” I discovered with Tara has been a miracle for me! I truly wish every woman in the world I could have a session with her, and develop a partnership with food and their body, as Tara has guided me to do. I have not felt this happy and healthy, especially in regard to my body, in years.
Tara, I am so grateful that you came into my life and that you’re doing the work you’re doing in the world!
“Working with Tara has been the best decision I have ever made for myself. I started working with Tara to find a way to “fix” my food problems. Tara gave me a safe space where I could be honest and be my true self.
I have tried many Intuitive Eating Courses and books but I could never get passed the diet mentality but with Tara’s unconditional acceptance, she gave me the space I needed to be honest and express my desire to lose weight without shame. Without this shame I was finally able to see my body and food was not the problem. I was not a failure for trying over and over to lose weight.
With Tara’s help I was able to learn that my greatest desire was freedom. Freedom is not tracking every thing I eat or being controlled by a diet. Freedom is making my own choices to eat the salad or eat the fries. It is up to me.
Tara helped me figure out my life long story. I finally knew why I have felt the way I have for many years. I thought it was all about food. I never thought what I would learn from Tara would open up my entire life. She has a way of listening and putting things together in a way that is truly amazing.
I learned from Tara:
I can be bold.
I can be me.
I can be free.
And I can take up space.
My life will never be the same! Take a chance with Tara and she just may change your life!”
“I whole-heartedly recommend working with Tara to start thinking about food, diets and your life going forward. She was exactly the right person for me. I have never liked following rules or doing diets, but I still needed someone to walk with me gently into my own head without judgement and dictates to see what might be wrong.
She let me take the lead and ask questions of myself, my past and my real goals for happiness. I never learned how to listen to my body that was screaming at me since I was a teenager.
I have learned so much since working with Tara and my perception of myself and goals around food are not where I expected to land up when we first started this journey. She offers more than Intuitive Eating coaching. She is a mother, sister and friend to me now.
She has helped me learn to listen with love and see how important my energy level is to me as the most important gauge of my life. This was my determination and not hers but it was not on my own radar until we discovered it together. Now it affects my food choices everyday because of how food makes me feel afterwards and I see how it impacts my day and energy and joy of life.
I cannot thank her enough for the work she does in improving lives in the very special and gentle way that she does. She is truly one of a kind!
“Food was always on my mind. I was obsessed about my weight and weight loss.
Tara gave me the tools to help me connect with how I felt in my body. What did I want to eat? Nothing is off limits. Was I really hungry or was I just bored or was I feeling angry?
Tara is a gentle, loving coach who helped me appreciate my progress along our journey together.
I am no longer obsessed with my weight or weight loss. I have strategies to use to help me trust myself in making food choices. ”
“Things have actually been good with food and my body. I’m continually getting better at listening to my hunger and body needs. I’ve removed the idea of “shouldn’t have foods” from eating which amazingly removes the cravings and uncontrolled eating.
I was so surprised from your book and our work together to discover how destructive and counterproductive the whole idea of diets and restricted eating is to weight, happiness and acceptance.
“Four years of emotional overeating, feeling stressed out, anxious and depressed, made me feel like if this didn’t work, nothing would. My whole life has turned in a different direction since I started working with Tara. She helped me work through emotional issues, set personal goals for self-improvement and introduced me to yoga and mindfulness. In less than 4 months, I now have a completely different relationship with food and myself. ”