You just took the Quiz: Are Your Food and Body Image Struggles Holding You Back In Your Business?  

If you’ve been struggling with food by dieting and emotionally eating and hate your body, you may be surprised to find out that these struggles are getting in the way of growing your business and advancing professionally. 

Here’s why: 

Under the old paradigm, we tried to thrive in our businesses by following the rules, trying to do everything right, looking the part and leading with our head. 

When you started dieting, you followed external rules like how many calories you should eat or how long you should be working out. While you’ve been at it, you’ve been disconnecting from your body. This means you dismiss some important signals your body shares with you. When it comes to growing your business, you’ll thrive when you’re not following external rules but instead listening to your own internal guidance. 

Connecting with your body is critical to your professional growth. 

It’s nearly impossible to be truly visible when you are struggling with body and food shame. That’s because we hide when we are experiencing shame. Yet, to attract the right clients and customers, it’s important that you show up and share your true self and passion. 

Weight loss pursuits take significant time and energy. But more importantly, it steals precious mind space. When you’re second guessing food choices, beating yourself up for eating the wrong thing, or wondering if you’ve lost weight when you’re about to step on the scale, you don’t have the headspace to focus on your business and career. 

Sadly, knowing how to safely be with our emotions is rarely modeled for us. We’ve been taught that some emotions aren’t feminine (like anger and rage) and some emotions aren’t masculine (like sadness and hopelessness). On top of that, we’ve been taught that we need to prove ourselves and demonstrate we are worthy with our busyness and hard work. But yet, emotions and our bodies' needs are critical to attend to. If we don’t tend to them, they express themselves in painful ways. You may notice this after distracting yourself from your feelings by eating a pint of ice cream. Or, you’re feeling so exhausted from caring for everyone else and every other priority, that you feel extremely resentful. 

Without slowing down, tuning in and caring for yourself and your body, you may feel like you’re on a gerbil wheel, running tirelessly with no way to let yourself off. 

The good news is that there is a solution. 

When you let go of dieting and emotional eating, you’re essentially learning how to care for yourself in a new way. You learn how to listen to your body, instead of ignoring it. You practice self-compassion and gentle awareness, which means that you discover yourself, connect with your inner wisdom and let this wisdom guide you around food, your health and your business and career. 

If you’d like to explore getting support around letting go of your struggles with food and body image so you can show up in your business fully, in a way where you know you're connected with yourself and you can trust yourself, let’s explore. 

You can book a clarity call with me by clicking here.