Episode 4: Conversation with Dr. Tiffany Denny on Body Acceptance, Compassion and the COVID-10 Pandemic

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How our bodies are impacted under fear and anxiety and tools to work through it.

On the podcast, I speak with Dr. Tiffany Denny,  who has made it her mission to offer people a way to honor their bodies, even while dealing with pain and discomfort through yoga. 

The mindset of needing to work for your body needs to be challenged. Isn’t our body already worthy of our acceptance, just as it is? Sadly, diet culture sends us a message like the air we breathe. It tells that to value only one kind of body- the very slim and unattainable.

Kelly Diels gave us insight around the Female Lifestyle Empowerment brand. This brand empowers women only based on a version of what women look like and markets in a way that continues to devalue marginalized groups. 

We discuss body acceptance, even when our body is in pain, or we are in recovery. Our body is always changing.  Seeing our body as divinely perfect, just because our body is here on this earth is really the practice.  

When under fear and anxiety, our body is even more sensitive. Now during a time of social distancing and self quarantine with COVD-19, people are experiencing their typical emotions x100 and it’s likely our bodies are uncomfortable. 

Rigidity, needing things to be a certain way, to feel okay, is a way of coping. Now’s the time to be flexible. Self compassion is acknowledging our worth and not needing to earn it based on what we look like from the outside. 

Giving yourself permission to say this sucks. Spiritual bypassing can often be working hard on making it okay. Being with your body even when it’s uncomfortable. 

 When the COVID-19 pandemic has passed, we won’t be making it out the same way we came into it. Could the silver lining be the compassion we’ve cultivated for ourselves and others?  

There are some tools to get through this. Anchoring to something we are drawn to, like a rock, tree or blanket. Breathing with intention will soothe our bodies.  

Learn more about Tiffany at http://www.tiffanydenny.com/ and following Tiffany Denny on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/tiff_outdoors/


Episode 3: Why Diet's Don't Work

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If diets worked, the first one you tried would have worked and you would have never needed to look for another one. 

But that's not what happened. In this episode, Tara talks about WHY diets don't work. She shares the mechanics of dieting, how humans are wired and why the two don't work well together. 

If you've been beating yourself up for failing at dieting, this episode if for you. Take a listen! 

Episode 2: How Diets are Deceptive

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Let's call a diet for what it is. A plan or protocol that requires us to limit what we eat, when we eat and how much we eat. Dieting is so prevalent that our diet mentality can be hard to recognize. Join Tara Whitney for this important discussion around why diets are so deceptive in so many different ways.