You deserve to be at peace with your body.
You deserve to have a beautiful partnership with your body.
You deserve to feel gratitude and appreciation for your body.
Not for the body you wish you had. Or the body you had when you were in high school, or in college, or on your wedding day. Not the body you could be happy with if it was just 5, 10, 20 or 50 pounds lighter.
You deserve to love your body today, in the body you have now, just as it is.
I know that may sound impossible. Or radical. Or, you may not be sure if you even want to love your body today. After all, you may not be happy with your body just as it is. You want it to change.
More importantly, you know something needs to change when it comes to your relationship with your body.
You’re exhausted from battling with your body.
After all, this battle has stolen from the quality of your life. It’s stolen your time, energy and peace.
You can’t completely relax on vacation. Especially if the vacation involves a beach, pool and bathing suit. You avoid being in any family or group pictures. Standing in front of a crowd or socializing with a group of strangers makes you feel anxious.
AND, you need to why this is happening.
You haven’t been taught how to love your body just as it is. Just the opposite. Our culture, in particular, diet culture, is quietly yet boldly sending you messages that a thin body is healthy, beautiful and attractive. You’ve been conditioned to value thinness. As a result, you’ve been working tirelessly to achieve this thin body. Somewhere in the back of your mind, your health, happiness and success is depending on it.
You’ve been battling your body because we live in a culture that’s been telling you and selling you that a thin body is worth fighting for.
But it’s not. The cost has been too great. And you know that. The battle is one you can never win.
It’s time to lay down your weapons. The judgement. The criticism and comparing.
It’s time to accept and love your body just as it is. Because you deserve it.
Investment is $75. Here’s what this experience includes:
2 75-90 min Group Coaching Calls so that you can be part of a community that’s changing the narrative around body acceptance.
Thursday, October 1st at 6pm EST
Tuesday, October 6th at 6pm EST
Each call will be on Zoom, recorded and distributed.
Inquiry and Journaling Prompts in a workbook to navigate this healing work at an even deeper level.
You’re Invited to Hungry for Acceptance: A Group Experience to Loving Your Body Just As It Is
At The End of This Experience, you’ll know how to:
let go of judgement and shame around your body.
place your focus and attention on what matters to create real change and momentum.
practice connecting with your body with honor and respect.
This Experience Is For you, If:
You’re spending countless hours wishing your body was different.
You’ve been putting your life on hold waiting until you’re body is ‘acceptable’.
You know your value isn’t just about your body, but you can’t seem to stop the negative self talk.
What some are saying after working with Tara:
“Tara’s gentle and unique approach to self-awareness of one’s body and thought processing was so inspiring and enlightening. Her approach was all-inclusive and made me feel that whatever my thought process and actions have been regarding food were okay and today is a new day, with new tools and a new way to approach my outlook on food and my body.” Tina L, Fremont, NH
“Tara has a natural ability to hold beautiful space for healing. I learned a lot about being kinder to myself and had an increased awareness with my body and relationship with food. If you’re looking for a compassionate and powerful transformational coach, Tara is the person that will guide you to a place of self discovery.” Nancy L, Minneapolis, MN
“Sounds corny but I almost feel like I’ve been waiting for someone to say these things and give me permission to end this battle with food. I’m inspired.” Workshop participant
Hi. I’m Tara.
Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor.
Transformational Coach.
Firm believer that emotional eating doesn’t need to hold you back from living an awesome life.