up until now, You thought you were doing everything right around food and your body. 

After all, our culture and everyone around us has sold and told us to: 

  • Stay in control around food with discipline. Use the newest tracking app. Track calories or macros.  

  • Follow the rules of the diet and weight loss experts. Override food cravings and hunger signals. Forgo your favorite foods and choose something “healthy” instead. 

  • Dismiss uncomfortable emotions, especially stress, overwhelm and anger. 

  • Show the world how put together you are. Keep emotional eating a secret. Find time for self-care. 

  • Hate your body until it’s an acceptable size. Don’t enjoy life until you’ve earned a thin body. 

You were hoping that if you did everything right that you would be happy and successful. Doing everything right was a worthy sacrifice to make. 

Yet, you know this hasn’t been working for you. 

No matter how hard you try, you always feel like a failure around your diet because you can’t stop yourself from eating the “wrong” thing. 

You’re so exhausted from the diet roller coaster, but you’ve been dieting for so long that you’re not sure how to get off. 

Thoughts of food and weight loss are always on your mind. All day. Everyday. 

It’s so frustrating to be doing the same old, same old. It’s not getting you anywhere. 

You’re so conflicted around your body. You’re constantly berating it (and this feels horrible). You’d love to just be content with the body you have and treat it with more kindness and care. You have no idea how to start. 

You often say to yourself, “If I could just figure this one last thing out, then I’d finally be able to relax and enjoy my life.” Yet, you can’t seem to find the missing piece. 

We’ve learned to NOT listen to, respect, or TRUST our bodies. 

explore if the Trust Your Body community is right for you

  1. Fill out a quick form. 2. Schedule a 30 minute call with Tara.

You know that The Trust Your Body community is for you when you: 

  • See yourself in the gap between leaving behind the old dieting paradigm and allowing your body to guide you around when and how to nourish yourself. 

  • Want to heal what’s driving you to eat emotionally in a safe and gentle way, without needing to re-live the painful past.

  • Desire a different relationship with your body that’s about day to day living inside of our body. 

We’re swimming upstream. 

Trusting our bodies to guide us toward healing hasn’t been modeled for us. 

Everywhere we look someone is advertising their latest clean eating, plant based eating, intermittent fasting or fad diet and tells us that it’s not a diet, that it’s a lifestyle. Even though it is in fact a diet. 

It’s crazy making and can be really hard to navigate on your own. 

Which is why being part of a community of other people that want the same thing you want is SO important. 

You don’t need to journey alone. We will swim upstream together. 

This isn’t an us vs. them. We aren’t going to make anyone wrong. We aren’t going to make anyone right, either. 

We are going to navigate a path, follow a process and create practices that feel aligned with us. 

Food freedom and how we want to relate to our bodies is a personal choice that looks and feels differently for each and every person. We will not only honor that, we will celebrate it. 

explore if the Trust Your Body community is right for you

Fill out a quick form. 2. Schedule a 30 minute call with Tara.

Here is what you’ll be receiving in the Trust Your Body community: 

  • SPACE ~ A welcoming group space to share, listen and learn.

  • LEARNING ~ Recorded video teachings that take you through the Trust Your Body Framework (see below) and you can watch on your own time.

  • PRACTICE ~ A bi-monthly group practice so you use the tools in real time. Some practices will include mindful eating, meditation, yoga, and processing emotions.

  • ACCOUNTABILITY ~ An opportunity to keep this practice front and center with a simple weekly practice to incorporate into your life. 

  • HEALING ~ Space for sharing your own stories, insights and learnings and offering space for others that are doing the same. 

    Live meeting will be held twice a month on Wednesdays from 5:30pm EST- 6:45pm.

Trust Your Body Framework (2).jpg

explore if the Trust Your Body community is right for you

Fill out a quick form. 2. Schedule a 30 minute call with Tara.

Pricing and Commitment:

This an ongoing membership group with a three month commitment. 

The doors are open on Monday, October 18th. The monthly cost is $50.

Membership- October 18- December 31s- $125. Buy now.

Add a monthly 75 minute one-to-one coaching call for $150.

What clients are saying after working with Tara:

“Tara is a master of Intuitive Eating.  Don’t let that scare you, she’s real and has an answer or inquiry that will be just right for you. She’s been there and knows what it’s like. She’s gentle and non-judgmental along with a healthy dose of fierceness in supporting the world in the mission to embody Intuitive Eating.”

 ~ Star D, Professional Speaker and Leadership Coach, PCC, New Hampshire

“Tara is a gentle, loving coach who helped me appreciate my progress along our journey together. I am no longer obsessed with my weight or weight loss.  I have strategies to use to help me trust myself in making food choices.” 

~ RR, New Hampshire

“I've removed the idea of "shouldn't have foods" from eating which amazingly removed my cravings and uncontrolled eating.”

~ KG, New York

Hi! I’m Tara. I grew up dieting. I started eating emotionally when I was 12. 

I spent decades trying to figure out why I couldn’t stay in control of food. In my early 30’s, I started practicing yoga and meditating. 

And then I found Intuitive Eating. That’s when my relationship with food started to change. I stopped bingeing so often. I became mindful and tuned into my body when I ate. I took myself off the rollercoaster of dieting and woke myself up from the trance of emotional eating. 

That’s when I realized all of my struggles were for a reason. I found my way to trust my body and feel free around food so I could guide passionate women like you to do the same. 

Along the way, I’ve become a yoga teacher, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Reiki Master, and Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. I incorporate mindfulness and energy healing when I work with clients. 

I know your relationship with food and your body may feel painful and frustrating right now. Please know this. There is a way you can return to ease and sanity around food.