You’ve tried tons of programs, read dozens of books and even consulted experts to help you with your relationship with food.  

Chances are high, you’ve been struggling with food and your body for many years. Maybe, you can’t even remember a time in your life when food wasn’t the focus and weight loss wasn’t always a priority. There may be days when the struggle doesn’t feel like a big deal. After all, it’s all you know. And then there are the times that it feels so overwhelming that you can’t take one more minute of the ups and downs and highs and lows. 

I’ve been there myself. I know how that feels. I started eating emotionally and went on my first diet when I was twelve. 

I know what’s it’s like to eat emotionally and what it’s like to feel true freedom around food. As a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Transformational Coach, I’ve helped other women create something different with their thoughts and emotions and really get to the root of what’s going on for them. 

I’d like to help you, too.

Life altering moments that my clients experience when they no longer are held back because of their relationship with food: 

  • They travel abroad where they immerse themselves in a new culture and meet new people. 

  • They take a class to learn a new language. 

  • The change their health care provider to one that is more respectful. They now have an experience of caring for their health that feels good and is something they can look forward to. 

  • They create a new ritual around prayer and faith that allows them to feel peaceful regularly. 


