You’re invited to this online experience.
A 90 minute Live Training Call. Follow Up Video. One on One Call with Tara.
Thursday, August 20th 5pm EST
It’s time to reclaim your power from food. To step into this place of freedom, where your relationship with food feels simple, loving and nourishing.
Are you ready to take this journey? To step away from dieting and restriction? To step away from the guilt and feeling like a failure?
And, you may not know what that next step is. You’ve been wanting something different in your relationship with food for a VERY LONG TIME. You don’t want the same old, same old.
But quite honestly, it’s scary. Taking a step away from what you know means you leave the comforts of the safe and predictable.
It’s okay to be in this in between place. I’ve got you. There will be no forcing, no rules to follow, no feeling like you’re doing it wrong or beating yourself up for mistakes you’ve made in the past.
Let’s be done with that. Okay?
Moving forward to food freedom doesn’t need to be overwhelming or risky. I’m going to share with you 4 ingredients that are a part of a healthy relationship with food.
These 4 ingredients may be new to you, they may take practice and some gentle reminding. But I can promise you this:
You have them within you already. You don’t need to be finding something outside of yourself. These 4 ingredients don’t cost a thing.
As you acknowledge and practice these 4 ingredients, they will guide you to create a loving and nourishing relationship with food!
At The End of This Experience:
You’ll have renewed optimism and hope around your relationship with food.
You’ll understand what’s been missing in your relationship with food and how that’s been holding you back.
You’ll know what steps to take so you can make concrete change in your relationship with food and your body.
This Experience Is For You, If:
You’re in the waiting place in your relationship with food and you’re ready to move forward.
you want a relationship with food that fits you and whats important to you in your life.
you’re ready to let go of what hasn’t been working and start to practice a new way to be in your body.
What you get for your $25 investment:
> A live 90 minute training so you can learn these 4 ingredients and be part of a conversation around how to incorporate them in your life. This call will be recorded and available for you to watch again at your convenience.
> A follow up video that offers a summary and guidance on how to move forward.
> A One on One call with Tara so you can discuss your own food journey and how you’d like to move forward.
Hi. I’m Tara.
Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor.
Transformational Coach.
Firm believer that emotional eating doesn’t need to hold you back from living an awesome life.